Practice #3
8:30 AM08:30

Practice #3

Practice #3

We had an amazing turnout for our second training practice of Spring 2025 last Saturday, with over 200 participants joining us! The weather was perfect, and the energy was high as students, coaches, mentors, and volunteers gathered at Snow Park to continue working toward their running goals. With just two weeks to go until the Oakland Half Marathon, we’re excited to keep the momentum going and push forward in our training!Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Distances for 6th-12th Grade:

  • 2 miles

  • 3 miles

  • 4 miles

  • 5 miles

  • Coaches encourage novice runners to choose the shorter distances

Practica #3 de Primavera 2025

¡Tuvimos una increíble asistencia en nuestra segunda práctica de entrenamiento de la Primavera 2025 el pasado sábado, con más de 200 participantes! El clima estuvo perfecto y la energía fue alta mientras estudiantes, entrenadores, mentores y voluntarios se reunían en Snow Park para seguir trabajando hacia sus metas de carrera. Con solo dos semanas para el Medio Maratón de Oakland, ¡estamos emocionados de seguir con el impulso y continuar avanzando en nuestro entrenamiento!¡Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatillas deportivas cerradas! ¡

Más detalles acontinuacion : 

  • Hora de la reunión: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 a.m.! Por favor, llega temprano para recoger tu nombre, comer bocadillos y conocer a los demás corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios a las 9:00 a.m.

  • Ubicación de la reunión: Nos encontraremos en Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse su salida de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5to grado o menores deben registrar la salida  personalmente por un padre/tutor. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas generalmente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 a.m.

  • Cumplimiento de Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo con cualquier pregunta.

Si tienes mas dudas revisa aqui!

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Volunteer at the Oakland Marathon!
to Mar 23

Volunteer at the Oakland Marathon!

  • Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Support RBO by Volunteering at the Oakland Marathon!

The Oakland Marathon generously provides RBO with discounted race entries so that we can cover the costs for our entire community to participate in the race for free. As part of our agreement (and to show our appreciation!), we need to provide the race with at least 20 volunteers. Please support RBO by signing up for a volunteer shift at a pre-race packet pick-up event or another opportunity!

It takes over 1,000 volunteers all-weekend long to make the Oakland Marathon successful and sustainable. They have various exciting and behind-the-scenes opportunities to make a difference and support race participants. There are several volunteer shifts available during the week of the race so that volunteers can help out and still run with RBO students on race day!

Whether it’s handing out race bibs, sorting shirts, or volunteering at the finish line, the Oakland Marathon would love to have your help! Thank you for supporting RBO by signing up for a volunteer shift with the Oakland Marathon!

The volunteer sign-up portal will close on Thursday, March 20th!

Some of these volunteer shifts may no longer be available - click the image to see current availability!

Apoya a RBO siendo voluntario en el Oakland Marathon!

El Maratón de Oakland generosamente proporciona a RBO entradas para la carrera con descuento para que podamos cubrir los costos y permitir que toda nuestra comunidad participe en la carrera de manera gratuita. Como parte de nuestro acuerdo (¡y para mostrar nuestro agradecimiento!), necesitamos proporcionar al maratón al menos 20 voluntarios. ¡Por favor, apoya a RBO inscribiéndote para un turno de voluntario en un evento previo a la recogida de paquetes o en otra oportunidad!

Se requieren más de 1,000 voluntarios durante todo el fin de semana para hacer que el Maratón de Oakland sea un éxito y sostenible. Tienen diversas oportunidades emocionantes y entre bastidores para hacer una diferencia y apoyar a los participantes de la carrera. Hay varios turnos de voluntarios disponibles durante la semana de la carrera para que los voluntarios puedan ayudar y aún así correr con los estudiantes de RBO el día de la carrera.

¡Ya sea entregando medallas, clasificando camisetas o siendo voluntario en la meta, el Maratón de Oakland estaría encantado de contar con tu ayuda! ¡Gracias por apoyar a RBO inscribiéndote para un turno de voluntario con el Maratón de Oakland!

¡El portal de inscripción de voluntarios cerrará el jueves 20 de marzo!

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The Oakland Marathon
7:30 AM07:30

The Oakland Marathon

  • Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Run The Oakland Marathon with RBO!

We are so excited to kick-off our Spring 2025 race schedule with The Oakland Marathon! Our students have been training diligently at Snow Park and we can not wait to watch all of their hard work pay off as they cross the finish line and receive a finisher's medal at this iconic race through downtown Oakland and around Lake Merritt. Please read through all of the information below and don’t hesitate out reach out with any questions!

Registration Deadline: Sunday, March 16th, 2025

Race Day: Sunday, March 23rd, 2025

Packet Pick-Up Instructions

  • RBO will distribute your race bib and commemorative shirt. Please disregard emails from the race about attending packet pick-up events- they will not have your bib or shirt!

  • RBO will distribute bibs from 10am-3pm on Saturday, March 22nd at the Oakland Marathon Health and Wellness Expo in Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts. Please attend this pre-race packet pick-up event to help ensure that race day operations run smoothly.

  • RBO will not have practice on March 22nd due to the race on March 23rd. Our next practice will be at Snow Park on Saturday, March 29th.

  • If you are unable to attend the packet pick-up event on March 23rd, you may pick up your bib on the morning of the race in the Team Zone in Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts. Please arrive extra early to ensure you will have plenty of time to pick up your bib and warm up before the race. We will not have the RBO tent on race day morning- look for the blue, yellow, green, and purple RBO shirts!

Race Day Logistics

  • We will meet in the Team Zone in Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts on race day morning!

    • Location: Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts (Map)

    • 10K Meeting Time: 7:30am on Sunday, March 23rd

    • 5K Meeting Time: 8:00am on Sunday, March 23rd

    • We will not have the RBO tent on race day morning- look for the blue, yellow, green, and purple RBO shirts!

  • All runners must wear their RBO shirt to the race!

    • Commemorative race t-shirts will be distributed after the race.

  • Please check in at the RBO table in the Team Zone when you arrive to Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts

    • Pick up your name tag (and race entry bib if needed)

    • Help coaches connect students with run mentors

    • Eat snacks, warm-up, and get excited for the race!

  • Race Start Times and Course Details

Support RBO by Volunteering at the Oakland Marathon!

The Oakland Marathon generously provides RBO with discounted race entries so that we can cover the costs for our entire community to participate in the race for free. As part of our agreement (and to show our appreciation!), we need to provide the race with at least 20 volunteers.

We need your help to reach our volunteer goal! Please support RBO by signing up for a volunteer shift at a pre-race packet pick-up event or another opportunity!

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Practice #2
8:30 AM08:30

Practice #2

Second Practice of Spring 2025

We had beautiful weather and a great crowd for our first training practice of Spring 2025 last Saturday! More than 150 students, youth coaches, run mentors, and coaches gathered at Snow Park to begin working towards their running goals. There were tons of familiar faces from previous seasons as well as a huge group of runners joining RBO for their first practice! Can’t wait to keep the positive energy going as we continue working our way through the training program during Practice #2! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Practica #2 de Primavera 2025

¡Tuvimos un clima hermoso y una gran respuesta de nuestra primera práctica de entrenamiento de Primavera 2025 el sábado pasado! Más de 150 estudiantes, entrenadores juveniles, mentores de carreras y entrenadores se reunieron en Snow Park para comenzar a trabajar en sus objetivos de carrera. ¡Hubo muchas caras conocidas de temporadas anteriores, así como un gran grupo de corredores que se unieron a RBO para su primera práctica! ¡No puedo esperar para seguir manteniendo la energía positiva mientras seguimos avanzando en el programa de entrenamiento durante la Práctica #2! ¡Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatillas deportivas cerradas! ¡Más detalles están abajo!

  • Hora de la reunión: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 a.m.! Por favor, llega temprano para recoger tu nombre, comer bocadillos y conocer a los demás corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios a las 9:00 a.m.

  • Ubicación de la reunión: Nos encontraremos en Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse su salida de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5to grado o menores deben registrar la salida  personalmente por un padre/tutor. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas generalmente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 a.m.

  • Cumplimiento de Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo con cualquier pregunta.

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Practice #1
8:30 AM08:30

Practice #1

First Practice of Spring 2025

We had a blast at the Season Start Line and can’t wait for our first practice of the new year this Saturday at Snow Park! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Practice Plan (Kindergarten-5th Grade)

  • Expectations:

    • Try your best, listen to your coaches, support your teammates, have fun

  • Warm -up run/ walk: 0.25 mile loop

  • Warm-up Drills

  • Warm-up Games: introduce with names- Ro Sham Bo- I love my RBO runner who- Banana tag

  • 15 min Run/ walk

  • Stretching

  • RBO cheer!

Practice Plan (6th-12th Grade)

  • 9:10am- 1 full lap warm up around Snow Park

  • 9:15am-9:25am: Regroup at Snow Park

    • Talk to students about distances for races : 5K-10K-Half- Don't need to decide right away but if considering to run Half needs to run the longer distances progressively

    • Work on Form: do a few drills- Focus on breathing-picking up the feet and arms

  • 9:30am- 10:20am: Endurance Run /activities and Stretching

    • Rick will run with students who wants to run longer

      • 2 mile: Foothills

      • 3 mile: Brooklyn and Lakeshore- Safety Monitor there

  • Ebo will run with the 5K runners to the end of the Bridge ( 1.75 mile)- I will be there.

  • Monica will go with the largest group

  • Regroup at Lake Chalet:

    • activities led by Ebo

    • Stretching led by Monica

Practica #1 de Primavera 2025

¡Nos divertimos mucho en la Línea de Inicio de la Temporada y estamos emocionados por nuestra primera práctica del nuevo año este sábado en Snow Park! Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatos deportivos. ¡Más detalles a continuación!

  • Hora de la reunión: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 a.m.! Por favor, llega temprano para recoger tu gafete, comer bocadillos y conocer a los demás corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios a las 9:00 a.m.

  • Ubicación de la reunión: Nos encontraremos en Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse su salida de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5to grado o menores deben registrar la salida  personalmente por un padre/tutor. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas generalmente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 a.m.

  • Cumplimiento de Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo con cualquier pregunta.

Si tienes mas dudas revisa aqui!

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Preseason Meeting
6:30 PM18:30

Preseason Meeting

Spring 2025 Preseason Meeting

Please save-the-date and join us on zoom for a virtual Preseason Meeting for Run Mentors, Volunteers, Parent/Guardians, and Family Members on Wednesday, February 19th at 6:30pm. Students and Youth Coaches are welcome but they are not required to attend this meeting. We ask that at least one parent/guardian for each student attend the meeting. We will be covering lots of important information including event logistics, the race registration process, safety procedures, and run mentor compliance.

Reunion de Pretemporada de Primavera 2025

Por favor, reserven la fecha y únanse a nosotros en Zoom para una reunión virtual de Pretemporada para Mentores de Carrera, Voluntarios, Padres/Tutores y Miembros de la Familia el miércoles 19 de febrero a las 6:30 p.m. Estudiantes y Entrenadores Juveniles son bienvenidos, pero no es obligatorio que asistan a esta reunión. Pedimos que al menos un padre/tutor de cada estudiante asista a la reunión. Cubriremos información importante, incluyendo la logística del evento, el proceso de registro para la carrera, procedimientos de seguridad y el cumplimiento de los mentores de carrera.

Fecha: Miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2025

Hora: 6:30 p.m.

Enlace de la reunión:

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The Spring 2025 Season Start Line
10:00 AM10:00

The Spring 2025 Season Start Line

The Spring 2025 Season Start Line!

Please join us at our Season Start Line event on Saturday, February 15th! The purpose of this orientation/party/picnic is to bring our full community together to meet our fellow runners, finalize season registrations, and distribute RBO performance shirts and other equipment before training practices begin. There will be free food, fun games, and more!

The Spring 2025 Season Start Line:

  • What: Season Start Line - A community gathering, celebration, and program orientation to kick off our Spring 2025 Season!

  • Who: The entire RBO community and anybody who might be interested in running with us this season!

  • Why: We want to make sure every student has everything they need to succeed before training practices begin. This event is a great opportunity for new runners to meet our students, coaches, and volunteers and get a feel for our program before training begins.

  • When: Saturday, February 15th from 10am-12pm

  • Where: Snow Park by Lake Merritt (Harrison St & 19th St, Lakeside Dr, Oakland, CA 94612)

Note: This is not a practice, and we will not be running/training at this event - but there will be fun games and free food!

EL INICIO de Temporada de Primavera 2025!


¡Te invitamos a nuestro evento de Inicio de Temporada el sábado 15 de febrero! El propósito de este evento de orientación/fiesta/picnic es reunir a toda nuestra comunidad para conocer a nuestros compañeros corredores, finalizar las inscripciones para la temporada y repartir camisetas de entrenamiento de RBO y otro equipo antes de que comiencen los temporada. Habrá comida gratis, juegos divertidos y mucho más.


  • Qué: Línea de Inicio de la Temporada: ¡Una reunión comunitaria, celebración y orientación del programa para dar inicio a nuestra temporada de primavera 2025!

  • Quién: ¡Toda la comunidad RBO y cualquier persona que pueda estar interesada en correr con nosotros esta temporada!

  • Por qué: Queremos asegurarnos de que cada estudiante tenga todo lo que necesita para tener éxito antes de que comiencen las prácticas de entrenamiento. Este evento es una excelente oportunidad para que los corredores nuevos conozcan a nuestros estudiantes, entrenadores y voluntarios, y se familiaricen con nuestro programa antes de que comiencen los entrenamientos.

  • Cuándo: Sábado, 15 de febrero de 10 a.m. a 12 p.m.

  • Dónde: Snow Park junto al Lago Merritt (Harrison St & 19th St, Lakeside Dr, Oakland, CA 94612)

Nota: Este no es un entrenamiento, y no estaremos corriendo/entrenando en este evento, ¡pero habrá juegos divertidos y comida gratis!

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The San Francisco Half-Marathon, 10K, and 5K
5:50 AM05:50

The San Francisco Half-Marathon, 10K, and 5K

  • Blue Heron Boat House - Golden Gate Park (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The San Francisco Half-Marathon, 10K, and 5K

Running for a Better Oakland is returning to The San Francisco Half-Marathon, 10K, and 5K hosted by Pamakid Runners! This is a beautiful race that winds through the majestic woods of Golden Gate Park and ends near the thunderous shores of Ocean Beach. Please read below for more information about the race and instructions to register!

Registration for this race through RBO has closed. It may still be possible to purchase a race entry directly from the race organizers.

Important Details:

Bib Distribution:

  • We will distribute race entry bibs to RBO runners on the bus and during pre-race warm-ups on race day morning. Please disregard any emails you receive from the race about attending packet pick-up events.​​​​​​

Race Details:

  • Race Meeting Time: 6:45am - Please arrive on time so that we can distribute bibs and pair students with run mentors before warm-ups begin!

  • Meeting Location: We will meet near the Blue Heron Boathouse (50 Blue Heron Lake Dr, San Francisco, CA 94118). This is a massive race so we will not know our precise meeting location until we arrive on race day morning and carve out some space. Look for the blue and yellow RBO shirts!

  • Race Distances Available through RBO: 5K and 10K

  • 5K Start Time: 7:50am

  • 10K Start Time: 8:00am

  • Course Map

  • Race Website

Bus Details:

  • Bus Meeting Time: 5:50am (the bus will depart at 6:00am sharp!)

  • Bus Meeting Location: Snow Park by Lake Merritt

  • The bus will return to Snow Park around 10:45am.

  • All runners must reserve their seat on the bus during registration in order to ride the bus on race day!

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7:30 AM07:30

The Oakland Turkey Trot

The Oakland Turkey Trot!

We are closing out the Fall 2024 season with one of our favorite races of the entire year! Join RBO at the Oakland Turkey Trot and work up an appetite before the biggest meal of the year with this super-fun 5K around Lake Merritt on Thanksgiving morning! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

Please note that registering for the Fall 2024 season with RBO does not automatically register you for any races.

If there are multiple runners on your account (such as a student), remember to register them for each race as well! Please reply to this email with any questions.

RBO Registration Deadline: Saturday, November 23, 2024

Race Day Details:

  • Registration Deadline: Saturday, November 23, 2024

  • Race Date: Thursday, November 28, 2024 (Thanksgiving Morning)

  • Race Meeting Time: 7:30am! Please arrive on time so that we have enough time to distribute name tags and bibs before warm-ups begin.

  • Race Start Time: 8:30am

  • Race Meeting Location: Eastshore Park by Lake Merritt (Map)

  • Race Distance: 5K (One lap around Lake Merritt)

Click Here to Visit the Race Website!

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8:30 AM08:30

Practice #6

Final Practice of the Year!

This Saturday will be our final training session of the year! Let's close out Fall 2024 with our best practice of the season! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Missed the Pre-Season Meeting? Click Here to View the Presentation Slides (Email if you would like to receive a recording of the presentation)

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7:45 AM07:45

The Lake Chabot Trail Run

  • 17600 Lake Chabot Road Castro Valley, CA, 94546 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Lake Chabot Trail Run!

RBO is returning to the Lake Chabot Trail Run! This is a beautiful race along the shores of Lake Chabot organized by Coastal Trail Runs. Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

Registration for this race through RBO has closed. If you would like to purchase a race entry directly from thew race organizers, click here.

Please note that registering for the Fall 2024 season with RBO does not automatically register you for any races.

If there are multiple runners on your account (such as a student), remember to register them for each race as well! Please reply to this email with any questions.

The Lake Chabot Trail Run Details:

Bus Details:

  • Bus Meeting Location: Snow Park by Lake Merritt (Map)

  • Bus Departure Time: 7:15am

  • Bus Return Time: Roughly 10:30am

  • Note: All bus riders must reserve their seat on the bus during race registration.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

La carrera de Lake Chabot Trail !

¡RBO regresa a la carrera en el sendero de Lake Chabot! Esta es una hermosa carrera a lo largo de las orillas de Lake Chabot organizada por Coastal Trail Runs. Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatos de correr. ¡Más detalles a continuación!

Si deseas participar en esta carrera, accede a tu cuenta de RBO aqui y regístrate antes del miércoles 30 de octubre.

Ten en cuenta que registrarte para la temporada de otoño 2024 con RBO no te registra automáticamente en ninguna carrera.

Si tienes varios corredores en tu cuenta (como un estudiante), recuerda registrarlos para cada carrera también. Por favor, responde a este correo electrónico si tienes alguna pregunta.

Detalles de la Carrera en el Sendero de Lake Chabot:

  • Fecha límite de registro: Miércoles 30 de octubre de 2024

  • Fecha de la carrera: Sábado 16 de noviembre de 2024

  • Hora de encuentro para la carrera: 7:45 a.m. Por favor, llega a tiempo para que tengamos suficiente tiempo para distribuir etiquetas con nombres y dorsales antes de que comiencen los calentamientos.

  • Inicio de la carrera: 8:45 a.m.

  • Lugar de encuentro para la carrera: Parque Regional Lake Chabot Mapa

  • Distancias disponibles: 3 millas y 5 millas

  • Click aqui para ver el mapa de 5-millas

  • Click aqui para mas informacion de la carrera

Detalles del autobús:

  • Lugar de encuentro del autobús: Snow Park junto a Lake Merritt Mapa

  • Hora de salida del autobús: 7:15 a.m.

  • Hora de regreso del autobús: Aproximadamente 10:45 a.m.

  • Nota: Todos los pasajeros del autobús deben reservar su asiento durante el registro de la carrera.

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8:30 AM08:30

Practice #5


We’re excited to announce that we’re now three-quarters of the way through our Fall 2024 program! With only two practices left, it’s amazing to see the dedication and progress each of you has achieved. Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Missed the Pre-Season Meeting? Click Here to View the Presentation Slides (Email if you would like to receive a recording of the presentation)


¡Estamos emocionados de anunciar que ya estamos a tres cuartos del camino en nuestro programa de otoño 2024! Con solo dos prácticas restantes, es increíble ver la dedicación y el progreso que cada uno de ustedes ha logrado. No olvides tu botella de agua llena y use su camiseta RBO, así como zapatos para correr. ¡Más detalles están a continuación!

Hora de Encuentro: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 a.m.! Por favor, llega temprano para obtener tu etiqueta con nombre, comer bocadillos y conocer a otros corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios a las 9:00 a.m.

  • Lugar de Encuentro: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse al salir de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5to grado o menores deben ser recogidos personalmente por un padre/tutor. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas generalmente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 a.m.

  • Cumplimiento de Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo con cualquier pregunta

Preguntas Frecuentes !

¿Se perdió la reunión de pretemporada? Haga clic aqui para ver las diapositivas de la presentación (envíe un correo electrónico a si desea recibir una grabación de la presentación)

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8:30 AM08:30

Practice #4


We're officially halfway through our Fall 2024 program! With four more practices to go, we’re thrilled with all the incredible progress each of you has made. Let’s keep up the energy and dedication as we move forward. Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Missed the Pre-Season Meeting? Click Here to View the Presentation Slides (Email if you would like to receive a recording of the presentation)


¡Estamos oficialmente a mitad de camino de nuestro programa de otoño 2024! Con cuatro prácticas más por delante, estamos encantados con todo el increíble progreso que cada uno de ustedes ha logrado. Sigamos con la misma energía y dedicación mientras avanzamos. Traiga una botella de agua llena y use su camiseta RBO, así como zapatos para correr cerrados. ¡Más detalles están a continuación!

Hora de Encuentro: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 a.m.! Por favor, llega temprano para obtener tu etiqueta con nombre, comer bocadillos y conocer a otros corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios a las 9:00 a.m.

  • Lugar de Encuentro: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse al salir de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5to grado o menores deben ser recogidos personalmente por un padre/tutor. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas generalmente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 a.m.

  • Cumplimiento de Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo con cualquier pregunta

Preguntas Frecuentes !

¿Se perdió la reunión de pretemporada? Haga clic aqui para ver las diapositivas de la presentación (envíe un correo electrónico a si desea recibir una grabación de la presentación)

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8:30 AM08:30

The RBO Costume Fun Run!

The RBO Costume Fun Run!

Possibly our most popular race of the entire year - the RBO Costume Fun Run is back! Where your best costume and join us for a super-fun run around Lake Merritt! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Registration Deadline: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

  • Race Date: Sunday, October 27th, 2024

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. We will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • The 2nd Annual RBO Costume Parade will begin immediately after daily announcements (and before the fun run). We can’t wait to see all of your costumes!

  • The RBO Costume Fun Run will begin after the costume parade. Wear your best costume and join us for a 5K around Lake Merritt!

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Domingo Carrera de Disfraces con RBO

¡Posiblemente nuestra carrera más popular de todo el año: el Fun Run de Disfraces de RBO está de vuelta! Usa tu mejor disfraz y únete a nosotros para una súper divertida carrera alrededor del Lago Merritt. Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y tu mejor disfraz or tu camisa de RBO , además de tus zapatos de correr . ¡Más detalles a continuación!

  • Fecha límite de inscripción: Miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2024

  • Fecha de la carrera: Domingo, 27 de octubre de 2024

  • Lugar de reunión: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park by Lake Merritt..

  • Hora de reunión: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 am! Por favor, llega temprano para obtener tu etiqueta con nombre, comer bocadillos y conocer a los otros corredores antes de que comience la práctica. Comenzaremos con los anuncios diarios a las 9:00 am.

  • El 2º Desfile Anual de Disfraces de RBO comenzará inmediatamente después de los anuncios diarios . ¡Estamos emocionados de ver todos sus disfraces!

  • El Fun Run de Disfraces de RBO comenzará después del desfile de disfraces. ¡Usa tu mejor disfraz y únete a nosotros para una carrera de 5K alrededor del Lago Merritt!

  • Cumplimiento de los mentores de carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada y cuenta de inscripción para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo electrónico con cualquier pregunta.

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9:00 AM09:00

The a-MAZE-ing Race

The a-MAZE-ing Race!

RBO is going back to Robert Sibley Regional Volcanic Park! This course winds through the magnificent trees of the Oakland hills and culminates in a mysterious labyrinth hidden deep within the forest. Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!


  • All participants must register for this event. Registering for the Fall 2024 RBO season does not automatically register you for the a-MAZE-ing Race. Please contact with any questions about race registration.

  • Registration Deadline: Wednesday, October 16th, 2024

Fun Run Details:

  • Fun Run Date: Sunday, October 20th, 2024

  • Fun Run Meeting Location: Sibley Staging Area (Map)

  • Fun Run Meeting Time: 9:00am

  • The a-MAZE-ing Race will end around 10:30am. The RBO Bus will return to Snow Park around 11:00am.

Transportation Details:

  • If you would like transportation from Snow Park, you must reserve a seat on the RBO Bus during registration. The RBO bus will depart at 8:30am and return around 11am.

  • Bus Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Bus Departure Time: 8:30am

Run Mentor Compliance:

  • All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Missed the Pre-Season Meeting? Click Here to View the Presentation Slides (Email if you would like to receive a recording of the presentation)

Primera carrera a-MAZE-ing !

¡RBO regresa al Parque Volcánico Regional Robert Sibley! Este recorrido serpentea a través de los magníficos árboles de las colinas de Oakland y culmina en un misterioso laberinto escondido en lo profundo del bosque. Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, además de tus zapatos deportivos. ¡Más detalles a continuación!


Todos los participantes deben registrarse para este evento. El registro de la temporada de otoño 2024 de RBO NO te inscribe automáticamente en la carrera a-MAZE-ing. Por favor, contacta a para cualquier pregunta sobre la inscripción a la carrera.

Fecha límite de inscripción: Miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2024

Detalles del Fun Run:

  • Fecha del Fun Run: Domingo, 20 de octubre de 2024

  • Lugar de reunión del Fun Run:Área de Sibley Staging (Mapa)

  • Hora de reunión del Fun Run: 9:00 am

La carrera a-MAZE-ing terminará alrededor de las 10:30 am. El autobús de RBO regresará a Snow Park alrededor de las 11:00 am.

Detalles del transporte:

Si deseas transporte desde Snow Park, debes reservar un asiento en el autobús de RBO durante la inscripción. El autobús de RBO partirá a las 8:30 am y regresará alrededor de las 11:00 am.

Cumplimiento de los Mentores de Carrera:

Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada y cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo electrónico con cualquier pregunta.

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8:30 AM08:30

Practice #3

Practice #3 this Weekend!

This Saturday will be our final training practice before our first fun run of the season! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Missed the Pre-Season Meeting? Click Here to View the Presentation Slides (Email if you would like to receive a recording of the presentation)

Practica #3 Sabado 12 de Octubre

¡Este sábado será nuestra última práctica de entrenamiento antes de nuestra primera carrera de la temporada! Traiga una botella de agua llena y use su camiseta RBO, así como zapatos para correr cerrados. ¡Más detalles están a continuación!

Hora de Encuentro: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 a.m.! Por favor, llega temprano para obtener tu etiqueta con nombre, comer bocadillos y conocer a otros corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios a las 9:00 a.m.

  • Lugar de Encuentro: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse al salir de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5to grado o menores deben ser recogidos personalmente por un padre/tutor. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas generalmente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 a.m.

  • Cumplimiento de Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo con cualquier pregunta

Preguntas Frecuentes !

¿Se perdió la reunión de pretemporada? Haga clic aqui para ver las diapositivas de la presentación (envíe un correo electrónico a si desea recibir una grabación de la presentación)

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8:30 AM08:30

Practice #2

Fall 2024 Season's Second Training Session!

The fall 2024 season is kicking off with great energy, and we’re excited to keep pushing toward our goals this Saturday at Snow Park! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Training Takeover: East Bay Front Runners & Walkers

We are thrilled to announce that the East Bay Front Runners & Walkers will be joining our practice this weekend for a Training Takeover! EBFRW is a running and walking club for the LGBTQ+ community and allies in San Francisco's East Bay. They hold runs/walks every Saturday morning at various locations and welcome people of all abilities. They also host social and community events throughout the year and hold a Pride Run each October.

EBFRW has generously selected Running for a Better Oakland as one of the beneficiaries of the 2024 Pride Run! Thank you EBFRW for supporting RBO!

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Missed the Pre-Season Meeting? Click Here to View the Presentation Slides (Email if you would like to receive a recording of the presentation)

Segunda Sesion de Entrenamiento de Otono 2024

¡La temporada de otoño 2024 comienza con mucha energía y estamos emocionados de seguir avanzando hacia nuestras metas este sábado en Snow Park! Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatos de correr con la punta cerrada. ¡Más detalles a continuación!

  • Hora de Encuentro: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 a.m.! Por favor, llega temprano para obtener tu etiqueta con nombre, comer bocadillos y conocer a otros corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios a las 9:00 a.m.

  • Lugar de Encuentro: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park junto al Lago Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse al salir de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5to grado o menores deben ser recogidos personalmente por un padre/tutor. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas generalmente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 a.m.

  • Cumplimiento de Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo con cualquier pregunta

Preguntas Frecuentes !

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8:30 AM08:30

Practice #1

First Practice of Fall 2024

Hello RBO family! Excited to kick off our season with our first practice on September 28th! Let’s bring our energy and have some fun! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️💪. Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Missed the Pre-Season Meeting? Click Here to View the Presentation Slides (Email if you would like to receive a recording of the presentation)

Primera Practica de la Temporada

¡Hola, familia RBO! ¡Estamos emocionados de comenzar nuestra temporada con nuestra primera práctica el 28 de septiembre! ¡Traigamos nuestra energía y divirtámonos! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️💪 Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatos de correr cerrados. ¡Más detalles están abajo!

  • Hora de Reunión: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 a.m.! Por favor, llega temprano para recoger tu nombre, comer bocadillos y conocer a los otros corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios diarios a las 9:00 a.m.

  • Ubicación de la Reunión: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park, junto al Lago Merritt.

  • Horario de Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse al salir de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5º grado o menores deben tener a un padre/tutor que los registre personalmente. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas normalmente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 a.m.

Cumplimiento de Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo electrónico si tienes alguna pregunta.

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Preseason Meeting
6:30 PM18:30

Preseason Meeting

Fall 2024 Preseason Meeting

Please save-the-date and join us on zoom for a virtual Preseason Meeting for Run Mentors, Volunteers, Parent/Guardians, and Family Members on September 18th at 6:30pm. Students and Youth Coaches are welcome but they are not required to attend this meeting. We ask that at least one parent/guardian for each student attend the meeting. We will be covering lots of important information including:

  • Practice and Race Logistics

  • Fall 2024 Season Schedule

  • Safety Procedures

  • Run Mentor Compliance Documents

Preseason Meeting - September 18th

  • Date: Wednesday, September 18th, 2024

  • Time: 6:30pm

  • Meeting Link:

Otoño 2024 Reunion de Pre-temporada

Recuerda la fecha y únete a nosotros en Zoom para una Reunión virtual de pretemporada para Mentores de Carrera, Voluntarios, Padres/Tutores y Familiares el 18 de septiembre a las 6:30 p.m. Los estudiantes y entrenadores juveniles son bienvenidos, pero no se requiere que asistan a esta reunión. Pedimos que al menos un padre/tutor de cada estudiante asista a la reunión. Los temas a platicar seran información importante, incluyendo:

  • Logística de Prácticas y Carreras

  • Horario de la Temporada de Otoño 2024

  • Procedimientos de Seguridad

  • Documentos de Cumplimiento para Mentores de Carrera

Septiembre 18: Reunion de Pre-temporada

  • Fecha: Miercoles 18 de Septiembre 2024

  • Hora: 6:30pm

  • Link de zoom:

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Raise Funds for RBO by Volunteering at the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge!
5:30 PM17:30

Raise Funds for RBO by Volunteering at the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge!

Volunteer at this Super-Fun Race to Support RBO!

Running for a Better Oakland is looking for volunteers to support the JP Morgan Corporate Challenge as Course Monitors in the evening of August 22, 2024. RBO will receive a donation from the race organizers for every volunteer that signs up through the links below and volunteers at the race. Running for a Better Oakland has been sending volunteers to this event for years and the donations have helped fund our Fall and Spring seasons. This a is a huge event that starts and finishes at the Chase Center, home of the Golden State Warriors and Valkyries, in San Francisco. Please consider registering as a volunteer to support Running for a Better Oakland!

Course Monitors Needed for JP Morgan Corporate Challenge!

  • Date: August 22, 2024

  • Time: 5:30pm - 8:30pm (Volunteer shifts available at other times as well)

  • Location: Volunteer Check-In Table near the Chase Center (1 Warriors Way, San Francisco, California 94158)

  • Registration: So that RBO can receive donations for recruiting volunteers, registration is a two-step process:

    • Step One: Follow this link and click “Get tickets” to select a volunteer shift for the event.

    • Step Two: Follow this link and submit your information so that we can provide the race with a list of volunteers recruited by RBO.

    • Note: RBO will only receive donations if volunteers complete both registration steps! Please contact with any questions.

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Summer College Tour of UC Berkeley with RBO!
1:00 PM13:00

Summer College Tour of UC Berkeley with RBO!

Tour the Cal Campus with RBO!

Running for a Better Oakland is bringing middle school and high school students (and parent/guardian chaperones) to UC Berkeley on August 7th! We will meet at the Sturdy the Bear Statue between Memorial Stadium and Haas School of Business at 1pm. We are going to take a guided tour of the beautiful campus so we will see everything from Memorial Stadium to The Campanile to Sproul Plaza. After the tour we will all sit down together and enjoy a late lunch on campus!

This event is for students entering sixth grade or above this Fall.

Summer College Tour of UC Berkeley with RBO!

  • Registration Deadline: Monday, August 5th, 2024

  • Tour Date: Wednesday, August 7th, 2024

  • Tour Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm

  • Meeting Location: Sturdy the Bear Statue, 2207 Piedmont Avenue, Berkeley

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Nonprofit Partner of the Game: Oakland A's vs LA Dodgers
6:40 PM18:40

Nonprofit Partner of the Game: Oakland A's vs LA Dodgers

RBO has once again been selected as the Oakland A’s Nonprofit Partner of the Game!

As part of this partnership, RBO has received a limited number of free tickets to distribute to our community. These tickets will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis as available. Please follow the steps below to join us on Friday, August 2nd and cheer for the Oakland A’s as they take on the Los Angeles Dodgers in the Oakland-Alameda Country Coliseum!

If you would like to attend the game with RBO, please complete this form to request tickets. Please note that submitting this form does not guarantee that you will receive free tickets. After you submit the form, RBO will contact you to confirm your reservation. Please reply to this email with any questions.

RBO at the Oakland A's vs Los Angeles Dodgers

  • Game Date: Friday, August 2nd, 2024

  • Game Start: 6:40pm

  • Gates Open: 5:40pm

  • Location: The Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum (7000 Coliseum Way, Oakland, CA 94621)

  • Tickets: Will be distributed to our community for free on a first-come, first-serve basis until we run out. Please do not request tickets unless you are certain that you will be able to use them.

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Run the Native American Health Center 5K/10K with RBO!
9:00 AM09:00

Run the Native American Health Center 5K/10K with RBO!

Run the Native American Health Center 5K/10K with RBO!

Registration for this event through RBO has closed. Click here to register directly through the race website.

Running for a Better Oakland is thrilled to announce that we will be attending the Native American Health Center's 5K/10K around Lake Merritt on June 8th! RBO will provide students and run mentors with free race entries, a performance running shirt, healthy snacks, and an unwavering community of positive support.

The theme for this year's event will be "Run This Town!" as NAHC celebrates its growing presence in the City of Oakland, highlighted by the groundbreaking of its newest site, to be located in the Fruitvale District at 3050 International Blvd. NAHC's new site is scheduled to open in December 2025 and will feature 20 Dental Operatories, a 300-person Community Cultural Center, and -- in partnership with Satellite Affordable Housing Associates, 76 Affordable Housing Units.

Annually, this 5K/10K draws over 500 runners and walkers from across the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond. This special event will feature programming that honors Community Health and Native American cultural practices; includes guest speakers; and features outreach tables to connect our community to helpful resources.

Race Day Details:

  • RBO Registration Deadline: June 2nd, 2024

  • Distances Available: 5K or 10K

  • Race Date: June 8th, 2024

  • RBO Meeting Time: 9:00am

  • Race Start: 10:00am

  • RBO Meeting Location: The RBO Tent in the Start/Finish Line Area at Lake Merritt near Fairy Land (699 Bellevue Avenue, Oakland, CA US 94610)

Check out the links below to learn more and register!

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Support RBO by Running the Marin Mile!
3:00 PM15:00

Support RBO by Running the Marin Mile!

Support RBO by Running the Marin Mile!

Want to have a blast at an awesome running event and support Running for a Better Oakland at the same time?

Sign up for the Marin Mile today!

The Marin Mile is a unique community celebration that welcomes all levels and all ages from all around the Bay Area. The Marin Mile is for anyone, to jog, run, or race a mile with peers. Running for a Better Oakland is thrilled to announce that the Marin Mile is generously supporting our program by donating 10% of total proceeds from this race!

To maximize their impact, the Marin Mile is also offering a FREE RACE ENTRY to runners that donate $50 or more to Running for a Better Oakland before May 20, 2024!

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Support RBO by Volunteering at the Bay Bridge Half-Marathon!
7:30 AM07:30

Support RBO by Volunteering at the Bay Bridge Half-Marathon!

Support RBO by Volunteering at the Bay Bridge Half-Marathon!

Enjoy a beautiful day by The Bay and Support Running for a Better Oakland at the same time!

On May 5th, 2024, RBO students including RBO Senior Scholarship Applicants will be participating in the Bay Bridge Half-Marathon! This iconic race is the only event to cross the Bay Bridge and the course offers breathtaking views of the beautiful waters of the San Francisco Bay. The race organizers have generously offered to support RBO by providing discounted race entries so that our students and run mentors can participate in this one-of-a-kind race!

To show our appreciation, we want to provide the race with as many volunteers as possible! Volunteering on race day at this event is a ton of fun and you will get to cheer for RBO students as they strive to reach their running goals! There are also volunteer shifts available during the week leading up to the race.

Please consider supporting Running for a Better Oakland by registering for a volunteer shift at a packet pick-up event, a water/aid station, or the start/finish line!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to with any questions.

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End-of-Season Celebration!
10:30 AM10:30

End-of-Season Celebration!

  • 623 Bellevue Avenue Oakland, CA, 94610 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Celebrate the Season with RBO!

Congratulations to all of our students, youth coaches, and run mentors on a fantastic Spring 2024 season! To celebrate all of the accomplishments of our community this season, we want to bring everybody together for a party at Lake Merritt! Details are below, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

Hope you all can join us on Sunday, April 28th after the LMJS 4th Sunday Run!

Fast Facts:

  • Who: The Entire Running for a Better Oakland Community! Friends, family, and fans are all welcome to join the party!

  • When: After the medal ceremony at the LMJS 4th Sunday Run, we will all walk over to the end-of-season celebration together!

  • Where: A short walk away from the race! 623 Bellevue Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610 (Map)

  • What Can I Bring? RBO will provide delicious snacks and cold beverages for everybody - no need to bring anything! But if you are able to contribute, we would love to have our community bring their favorite foods and drinks to share with each other!

  • No RSVP or Registration Necessary! Please invite your friends and family!

We hope you will all join us after the race on Sunday, April 28th to celebrate the many accomplishments of our students and community this season!

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The Legendary LMJS Fourth Sunday Run
8:00 AM08:00

The Legendary LMJS Fourth Sunday Run

  • The Lake Merritt Sail Boat House (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Final Race of Spring 2024!

It is always a bittersweet milestone, but we have reached the final race of our Spring 2024 season! Our students and community have put in an astonishing amount of work this year and should be incredibly proud of their accomplishments so far. This race will be a victory lap around Lake Merritt for RBO!

Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

LMJS 4th Sunday Run Fast Facts:

  • Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 23rd

  • Race Date: Sunday, April 28th

  • RBO Meeting Time: 8:00am

  • RBO Meeting Location: The RBO Tent near the Lake Merritt Sailboat House (638 Bellevue Ave, Oakland)

  • Race Start Times:

    • 5K - 9:00am

    • 10K - 9:00am

    • 15K - 8:45am

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

  • Race Day Details: More information about the race can be found here.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

La carrera final de la temporada de primavera 2024

Hemos llegado a la última carrera de nuestra temporada de primavera 2024. Nuestros estudiantes y la comunidad han realizado una cantidad asombrosa de trabajo este año y deberían estar increíblemente orgullosos de sus logros hasta ahora. ¡Esta carrera será una vuelta de la victoria alrededor del Lago Merritt para RBO!

Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatos de correr cerrados. ¡Más detalles a continuación!

Datos rápidos de la Carrera del 4º Domingo de LMJS:

Fecha límite de inscripción: Martes, 23 de abril

Fecha de la carrera: Domingo, 28 de abril

Hora de encuentro de RBO: 8:00 am

Ubicación de encuentro de RBO: La carpa de RBO cerca de la Casa de Botes de Vela del Lago Merritt (638 Bellevue Ave, Oakland)

Horarios de inicio de la carrera:

5K - 9:00 am

10K - 9:00 am

15K - 8:45 am

Cumplimiento de los Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu registration account para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo electrónico si tienes alguna pregunta.

Detalles del día de la carrera: Más información sobre la carrera se puede encontrar aqui.

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Our Final Practice of Spring 2024!
8:30 AM08:30

Our Final Practice of Spring 2024!

Our Final Training Session of the Spring Season!

With the Oakland Marathon and two awesome trail races in the record books, we now return to Snow Park for our final training session of Spring 2024! This has been an amazing season and it has been incredibly rewarding to watch our students pursue their running goals in practices and races over the past few months. Let’s finish our training program with our best practice yet!

Registration for the LMJS 4th Sunday Run is Now Live!

Click here to access your RBO account and register for our final race of the season!

LMJS 4th Sunday Race Fast Facts:

  • Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 23rd

  • Race Date: Sunday, April 28th

  • RBO Meeting Time: 8:00am

  • RBO Meeting Location: The RBO Tent near the Lake Merritt Sailboat House (638 Bellevue Ave, Oakland)

  • Race Start Times:

    • 5K - 9:00am

    • 10K - 9:00am

    • 15K - 8:45am

Practice this Saturday!

We can’t wait to see you all back at Snow Park this Saturday! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

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The Oyster Bay Fun Run
8:30 AM08:30

The Oyster Bay Fun Run

Oyster Bay Trail Fun Run

It’s time for another trail race! Ride the RBO bus from Snow Park to Oyster Bay Regional Park on the beautiful San Leandro Shoreline! We can’t wait for RBO’s inaugural run at this hidden gem tucked away on the shores of the Bay. The park features an outstanding frisbee golf course and is a favorite meeting spot for local dogs (and people). Update your RBO registration by Thursday, April 11th if you would like to participate in this fun run!

Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Bus Meeting Time: Please arrive to Snow Park by 8:30am to board the RBO bus to the run. The bus will depart at 8:40 sharp! Please arrive early to ensure that you do not miss the bus.

  • Bus Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Fun Run Meeting Time: We will meet at Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline park at 9:00am. Please arrive on time if you are not riding the bus.

  • Fun Run Meeting Location: 1631 Neptune Dr, San Leandro, CA 94577

  • Bus Return Time: We will return to Snow Park by 11:00am

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Carrera Divertida en Oyster Bay

¡Es hora de otra carrera en sendero! ¡Viaja en el autobús de RBO desde Snow Park hasta el Parque Regional de Oyster Bay en la hermosa orilla de San Leandro! Estamos emocionados por la primera carrera de RBO en esta joya escondida en las orillas de la bahía. El parque cuenta con un destacado campo de golf de frisbee y es un lugar de encuentro favorito para perros locales (y personas). ¡Actualiza tu registro de RBO antes del jueves 11 de abril si deseas participar en esta carrera divertida!

Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatos para correr cerrados. ¡Más detalles a continuación!

  • Hora de Encuentro para el Autobús: Por favor, llega a Snow Park antes de las 8:30 am para abordar el autobús de RBO hacia la carrera. ¡El autobús partirá puntualmente a las 8:40! Por favor, llega temprano para asegurarte de no perder el autobús.

  • Lugar de Encuentro para el Autobús: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park junto al Lago Merritt.

  • Hora de Encuentro para la Carrera Divertida: Nos reuniremos en el Parque Regional de Oyster Bay a las 9:00 am. Por favor, llega a tiempo si no viajas en el autobús.

  • Lugar de Encuentro para la Carrera Divertida: 1631 Neptune Dr, San Leandro, CA 94577

  • Hora de Regreso del Autobús: Regresaremos a Snow Park antes de las 11:00 am.

  • Cumplimiento de los Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo electrónico si tienes alguna pregunta.

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Practice #5 at Snow Park!
8:30 AM08:30

Practice #5 at Snow Park!

Practice #5 at Snow Park

With our first trail race of the season in the books, we will return to Snow Park for Practice #5. This will be our final training session before the Oyster Bay Fun Run on April 13th! Please double-check the race selections on your RBO registration account today if you are planning to participate in that run!

We can’t wait to see you all back at Snow Park this Saturday! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Práctica #5 en Snow Park

Después de haber completado nuestra primera carrera de senderos de la temporada, regresaremos a Snow Park para la Práctica #5. ¡Esta será nuestra última sesión de entrenamiento antes de la Divertida Carrera de Oyster Bay el 13 de abril! ¡Por favor, revisa las selecciones de carrera en tu cuenta de registro de RBO hoy si planeas participar en esa carrera!

¡Estamos ansiosos por verte a todos de regreso en Snow Park este sábado! Por favor, trae una botella de agua ly usa tu camiseta de RBO, así como zapatos para correr cerrados. ¡Más detalles a continuación!

  • Hora de Encuentro: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 am! Por favor, llega temprano para obtener tu etiqueta de nombre, comer snacks y conocer a los otros corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con anuncios diarios a las 9:00 am.

  • Lugar de Encuentro: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park junto al Lago Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse al salir de la práctica. Los estudiantes en 5º grado o menores deben tener un padre/tutor que los registre personalmente al salir. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas típicamente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 am.

  • Cumplimiento de los Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y tu cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo electrónico si tienes alguna pregunta.

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The Redwood Trail Race
6:45 AM06:45

The Redwood Trail Race

The Redwood Trail Race

We had another wonderful practice in cold, rainy weather! Every coach in the program is blown away by the grit, perseverance, and resilience that our students and community have displayed so far this season. Just showing up to Snow Park for practice on a wet, freezing Saturday morning is a big accomplishment, and our students have been consistently going the extra kilometer by also bringing a ton of positive energy and a relentless drive to finish each workout. All that grit and perseverance will be put to the test once again at this Saturday’s trail race through the Oakland hills!

This Saturday, March 30th we will travel to the Oakland hills for the Redwood Trail Race! Double-check the race selections on your RBO registration account today if you are planning to participate this weekend! Registration through RBO and the RBO waitlist have closed. You may be able to purchase a 5-mile race entry directly from the race organizers.

Please remember to bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

  • Bus Meeting Time: We will meet at 6:45am to board the bus. The bus will depart at 6:55am sharp! Please arrive early to ensure that you do not miss the bus.

  • Bus Meeting Location: We will meet in our usual practice location at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Race Meeting Time: We will meet at the race at 7:15am. Please arrive on time to ensure that we have plenty of time to distribute bibs, connect students with run mentors, and warm up for the race.

  • Race Meeting Location: If you are not riding the RBO bus, you may meet us at the race. The address is 10000 Skyline Boulevard, Oakland, CA 94619. Follow signs to find parking and the race start line. Please arrive on time to help pre-race operations run smoothly.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

  • Race Day Details: More information about the race including course maps, elevation profiles, driving directions, parking information, exact start line location, and start times can be found here.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

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Return to Snow Park for Practice #4
8:30 AM08:30

Return to Snow Park for Practice #4

Practice #4 at Snow Park

We had a fantastic weekend at the Oakland Marathon! Running for a Better Oakland had 183 runners participate in the event including over 100 students, 15 coaches and youth coaches, and almost 60 run mentors. After three tough weeks of training at Snow Park in cold, wet weather our community got to put all of their hard work into action at this iconic race through downtown Oakland and around Lake Merritt. It was a beautiful day to run and a terrific way to start our schedule of races and fun runs!

We will now return to Snow Park for Practice #4 this Saturday! Please bring a filled water bottle and wear your RBO t-shirt as well as closed-toe running shoes. More details are below!

The following Saturday, March 30th we will travel to the Oakland hills for the Redwood Trail Race. Double-check the race selections on your RBO registration account today if you are planning to participate in that race! Registration has closed but you may still be able to receive a free race entry through RBO by joining our waitlist for this race. You may also be able to purchase a race entry directly from the race organizers.

  • Meeting Time: Check-in will begin at 8:30am! Please arrive early to get your name tag, eat snacks, and get to know the other runners before practice begins. Training will begin with daily announcements at 9:00am.

  • Meeting Location: We will meet at Snow Park by Lake Merritt.

  • Check-Out: All students must check out of practice before leaving. Students in 5th grade or younger must have a parent/guardian personally check them out. Depending on the training agenda for the day, practices will typically end around 10:30am.

  • Run Mentor Compliance: All run mentors must be fully registered and have all compliance documents approved before participating in any RBO events. Please check your email inbox and registration account to confirm that you have submitted all required documents. Please don't hesitate to reply to this email with any questions.

Click here to see a list of Frequently Asked Questions and Answers!

Regresamos a Snow Park para nuestra practica #4

¡Tuvimos un fin de semana fantástico en el Maratón de Oakland! Running for a Better Oakland tuvo 183 corredores participando en el evento, incluyendo más de 100 estudiantes, 15 mentores y entrenadores jóvenes, y casi 60 mentores de carrera. Después de tres arduas semanas de entrenamiento en Snow Park bajo un clima frío y húmedo, nuestra comunidad pudo poner en práctica todo su esfuerzo en esta icónica carrera a través del centro de Oakland y alrededor del Lago Merritt. ¡Fue un día hermoso para correr y una manera fantástica de comenzar nuestro calendario de carreras y carreras divertidas!

¡Ahora volveremos a Snow Park para la Práctica #4 este sábado! Por favor, trae una botella de agua llena y viste tu camiseta de RBO así como zapatos de correr cerrados. ¡Más detalles a continuación!

El siguiente sábado, 30 de marzo, viajaremos a las colinas de Oakland para la Carrera de Sendero Redwood. ¡Revisa hoy la página de confirmación en tu cuenta de registro de RBO si planeas participar en esa carrera! La inscripción ha cerrado pero aún podrías ser capaz de recibir una entrada gratuita para la carrera a través de RBO uniéndote a nuestra lista de espera para esta carrera. También podrías ser capaz de comprar una entrada para la carrera directamente de los organizadores de la carrera.

  • Hora de encuentro: ¡El registro comenzará a las 8:30 am! Por favor, llega temprano para obtener tu etiqueta de tu nombre, comer algo y conocer a los otros corredores antes de que comience la práctica. El entrenamiento comenzará con los anuncios diarios a las 9:00 am.

  • Lugar de encuentro: Nos reuniremos en Snow Park, junto al Lago Merritt.

  • Salida: Todos los estudiantes deben registrarse al salir de la práctica. Los estudiantes de 5.º grado o menores deben tener un padre/tutor que los registre personalmente al salir. Dependiendo de la agenda de entrenamiento del día, las prácticas típicamente terminarán alrededor de las 10:30 am.

  • Cumplimiento de los Mentores de Carrera: Todos los mentores de carrera deben estar completamente registrados y tener todos los documentos de cumplimiento aprobados antes de participar en cualquier evento de RBO. Por favor, revisa tu bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y cuenta de registro para confirmar que has enviado todos los documentos requeridos. No dudes en responder a este correo electrónico con cualquier pregunta.

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The Oakland Marathon
7:30 AM07:30

The Oakland Marathon

  • Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Run The Oakland Marathon with RBO!

We are so excited to kick-off our Spring 2024 race schedule with our first race of the season this Sunday! Our students have been training diligently in cold, wet weather and we can not wait to watch all of their hard work pay off as they cross the finish line and receive a finisher's medal at this iconic race through downtown Oakland and around Lake Merritt. Please read through all of the information below and don’t hesitate out reach out with any questions!

Packet Pick-Up Instructions

  • Registration for this event through RBO has closed. Race entries may still be available through the race website.

  • RBO will distribute your race bib and commemorative shirt. Please disregard emails from the race about attending packet pick-up events- they will not have your bib or shirt!

  • RBO will distribute bibs from 9am-2pm on Saturday, March 16th at the race expo in Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts. Please attend this pre-race packet pick-up event to help ensure that race day operations run smoothly.

  • RBO will not have practice on March 16th due to the race on March 17th. Our next practice will be at Snow Park on Saturday, March 23rd.

  • If you are unable to attend the packet pick-up event on March 16th, you may pick up your bib on the morning of the race in the Team Zone in Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts. Please arrive extra early to ensure you will have plenty of time to pick up your bib and warm up before the race. We will not have the RBO tent on race day morning- look for the blue, yellow, green, and purple RBO shirts!

Race Day Logistics

  • We will meet in the Team Zone in Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts on race day morning!

    • Location: Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts (Map)

    • Meeting Time: 7:30am on Sunday, March 17th

    • We will not have the RBO tent on race day morning- look for the blue, yellow, green, and purple RBO shirts!

  • All runners must wear their RBO shirt to the race!

    • Commemorative race t-shirts will be distributed after the race.

  • Please check in at the RBO table in the Team Zone when you arrive to Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts

    • Pick up your name tag (and race entry bib if needed)

    • Help coaches connect students with run mentors

    • Eat snacks, warm-up, and get excited for the race!

  • Race Start Times and Course Details

Support RBO by Volunteering at the Oakland Marathon!

The Oakland Marathon generously provides RBO with discounted race entries so that we can cover the costs for our entire community to participate in the race for free. As part of our agreement (and to show our appreciation!), we need to provide the race with at least 20 volunteers.

We need 4 more volunteers to reach our goal! Please support RBO by signing up for a volunteer shift at a pre-race packet pick-up event or another opportunity!

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