Recruiting New Board Members!

Looking to get involved with an impactful youth organization? Running for a Better Oakland (RBO) is seeking new board members that are committed to making a difference in our community. We are looking for individuals with fundraising, board governance, youth program development, marketing, and nonprofit experience. If you are interested in serving on the RBO board, please submit your resume and the completed questionnaire by July 1st for consideration. 

Celebrating Success and Setting New Goals: A Look Back at the Oakland Marathon

Las month, the energy in Oakland was palpable as Running for a Better Oakland (RBO) made a significant mark at the Oakland Marathon. Our community, consisting of over 183 passionate runners — which included more than 100 students, 15 coaches and youth coaches, along with nearly 60 run mentors — brought their weeks of dedication and hard training to the forefront of this iconic race.

The journey to the marathon was not an easy one. Our athletes braved three challenging weeks of training at Snow Park, facing the cold and wet weather head-on. Yet, their perseverance paid off as they took to the streets of downtown Oakland and the scenic route around Lake Merritt. It wasn't just a race; it was the culmination of weeks of effort, a beautiful day to run and a fantastic start to our schedule of races and fun runs.

A notable highlight from this year's marathon was the increased participation in the 10K race. This uptick is a testament to the hard work our students have put in, pushing themselves to embrace bigger challenges. Their dedication was reflected in numerous achievements - from personal bests (PR times) and new distance records to the countless smiles shared among friends, family, and supporters.

These milestones are not just personal achievements but are emblematic of the growth and resilience of our community. They inspire us to set new goals and reach even greater heights together each season.

The journey doesn't stop here; we have our sights set on the next challenge. On April 13th, we will venture for the first time The Oyster Bay Fun Run where we will be running both 3 & 5-mile distances. This upcoming race presents another opportunity for our runners to break records, achieve new personal bests, and most importantly, enjoy the journey together!

The success of our community in the Oakland Marathon and the enthusiasm for the upcoming Redwood Trail Race is a powerful reminder of what we can achieve as a community. It underscores the importance of setting ambitious goals, supporting one another, and celebrating every victory along the way.

As we move forward, let's carry the spirit of the Oakland Marathon with us - a spirit of determination, joy, and community. Here's to many more miles, smiles, and achievements. Together, we are Running for a Better Oakland!

Celebrando el Éxito y Estableciendo Nuevos Objetivos: Un Vistazo al Fin de Semana del Maratón de Oakland

El pasado mes de Marzo, la energía en Oakland era palpable mientras Running for a Better Oakland (RBO) dejaba una marca significativa en el Maratón de Oakland. Nuestro grupo, compuesto por más de 183 corredores apasionados, que incluía a más de 100 estudiantes, 15 entrenadores y entrenadores juveniles, junto con casi 60 mentores de carrera, llevaron sus semanas de dedicación y duro entrenamiento al frente de esta carrera icónica.

El camino hacia el maratón no fue fácil. Nuestros atletas desafiaron tres semanas difíciles de entrenamiento en Snow Park, enfrentándose al clima frío y húmedo de frente. Sin embargo, su perseverancia valió la pena de manera hermosa cuando tomaron las calles del centro de Oakland y la pintoresca ruta alrededor del Lago Merritt. No fue solo un día de carrera; fue un hermoso día para correr, encarnando el espíritu de nuestra comunidad y marcando un comienzo fantástico para nuestro calendario de carreras y carreras divertidas.

Un punto destacado notable del maratón de este año fue el aumento en la participación en la carrera de 6 millas. Este aumento es un testimonio del arduo trabajo que nuestros estudiantes han puesto, empujándose a sí mismos para abrazar desafíos más grandes. Su dedicación se reflejó en numerosos logros, desde los mejores tiempos personales (tiempos PR) y nuevos récords de distancia hasta las innumerables sonrisas compartidas entre amigos, familiares y seguidores.

Estos hits no son solo logros personales, sino que son emblemáticos del crecimiento y la resiliencia de nuestra comunidad. Nos inspiran a establecer nuevos objetivos y alcanzar alturas aún mayores juntos.

Con este impulso, nos complace anunciar que nuestro programa de entrenamiento continuará, llevándonos de regreso a Snow Park para la Práctica #5 este sábado. El viaje no termina aquí; tenemos la mira puesta en el próximo desafío. El 13 de Abril, nos aventuraremos a Oyster Bay Regional Park donde correremos distancias de 3 y 5 millas. Esta próxima carrera presenta otra oportunidad para que nuestros corredores rompan récords, logren nuevos mejores tiempos personales y, lo más importante, disfruten del viaje juntos.

El éxito de nuestra participación en el Maratón de Oakland y el entusiasmo por la próxima Carrera de Sendero Redwood es un recordatorio poderoso de lo que podemos lograr como comunidad. Subraya la importancia de establecer objetivos ambiciosos,

Reflecting on a Remarkable Year of Running: RBO's 2023 Recap (English / Spanish Version)

As we embark on the journey of 2024, it's time to take a moment and reflect on the incredible journey we've had at Running for a Better Oakland (RBO) on 2023. The year kicked off on January 14, 2023, marking the beginning of a season filled with determination, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments.

Our base for 14 invigorating practices was the picturesque Lake Merritt, providing the perfect backdrop for our runners to push their limits and build lasting friendships. But our journey didn't stop there; we ventured into some of the East Bay's most stunning locations, turning our runs into scenic adventures.

From the iconic Bay Bridge to the serene Redwood Regional Park, the challenging trails of Robert Sibley Volcanic Regional Park to the tranquil shores of Lake Chabot, and the inspiring Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline, every run was a unique experience that showcased the diverse beauty of our surroundings.

Adding to the excitement were special guests who graced us with their presence during select practices. The UC Berkeley Cross Country and Track & Field teams, Lake Merritt Joggers & Striders, East Bay Front Runners, Pamakid Runners, Women’s Run Club East Bay, and the San Jose Sharks all lent their expertise, creating memorable and motivating sessions for our runners.

One of the highlights of the year was the 2023 Scholarship and Alumni Award ceremony, where RBO distributed over $20,000 in scholarship awards. This not only reflects our commitment to fostering a love for running but also underlines our dedication to supporting the educational aspirations of our talented young athletes.

As the year wound down, we laced up our running shoes for the Oakland Turkey Trot, a festive race around Lake Merritt that brought together families, friends, and runners of all ages. The joyous atmosphere and holiday cheer made it a fitting conclusion to an exceptional year.

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering support of our parents, dedicated coaches, and passionate volunteers who contribute their time and energy to make RBO a reality for our kids. Your commitment is the heartbeat of our organization, and we are deeply grateful for all that you do.

As we eagerly step into 2024, we carry the memories of 2023 with us. We look forward to crossing many starting lines together, facing new challenges, and creating even more unforgettable moments. Thank you for being a part of the RBO family, and here's to another year of running, growth, and success!


Al emprender el camino del 2024, es momento de tomarnos un instante para reflexionar sobre la increíble travesía que vivimos en Running for a Better Oakland (RBO) en el 2023. El año comenzó el 14 de enero de 2023, marcando el inicio de una temporada llena de determinación, camaradería y momentos inolvidables.

Nuestra base para 14 prácticas fue el pintoresco Lake Merritt, brindando el escenario perfecto para que nuestros corredores desafiaran sus límites y construyeran amistades duraderas. Pero nuestra travesía no se detuvo ahí; nos aventuramos en algunas de las ubicaciones más impresionantes del East Bay, convirtiendo nuestras carreras en aventuras escénicas.

Desde el icónico Bay Bridge hasta el sereno Redwood Regional Park, los desafiantes senderos de Robert Sibley Volcanic Regional Park hasta las tranquilas orillas de Lake Chabot, y el inspirador Martin Luther King Jr. Regional Shoreline, cada carrera fue una experiencia única que mostró la diversa belleza de nuestro entorno.

Añadiendo emoción estuvieron los invitados especiales que nos honraron con su presencia en algunas prácticas. Los equipos de Cross Country y Atletismo de UC Berkeley, Lake Merritt Joggers & Striders, East Bay Front Runners, Pamakid Runners, Women’s Run Club East Bay y los San Jose Sharks aportaron su experiencia, creando sesiones memorables y motivadoras para nuestros corredores.

Uno de los momentos destacados del año fue la ceremonia de Becas y Premios de Antiguos Alumnos de 2023, donde RBO distribuyó más de $20,000 en becas. Esto no solo refleja nuestro compromiso de fomentar el amor por el running, sino que también subraya nuestra dedicación para apoyar las aspiraciones educativas de nuestros talentosos jóvenes atletas.

A medida que el año llegaba a su fin, nos pusimos nuestros zapatos de running para el Oakland Turkey Trot, una carrera festiva alrededor de Lake Merritt que reunió a familias, amigos y corredores de todas las edades. La atmosfera alegre y el espíritu navideño le dieron un cierre apropiado a un año excepcional.

Nada de esto hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo inquebrantable de nuestros padres, dedicados entrenadores y apasionados voluntarios que contribuyen con su tiempo y energía para hacer de RBO una realidad para nuestros niños. Su compromiso es el latido del corazón de nuestra organización, y estamos profundamente agradecidos por todo lo que hacen.

Al entrar con entusiasmo en 2024, llevamos con nosotros los recuerdos de 2023. Esperamos cruzar juntos muchas líneas de salida, enfrentar nuevos desafíos y crear aún más momentos inolvidables. Gracias por ser parte de la familia RBO, ¡y brindemos por otro año de running, crecimiento y éxito!

Running for a Better Oakland Announces Major Donation from Pamakid Runners

[Oakland - July 17th, 2023] - Running for a Better Oakland (RBO), a non-profit community running program, is pleased to announce a substantial donation from Pamakid Runners, a San Francisco Bay Area running club. The club’s remarkable gift of $46,646 will enable RBO to expand its impact on students in the greater Oakland area. 

Pamakid Runners has been a generous supporter of RBO for nearly 10 years. This is the second time that Pamakid Runners has given Running for a Better Oakland the largest donation in its 13 year history. Pamakid Runners and Running for Better Oakland are using running and local races to promote healthy lifestyles and community for Bay Area students and their families. 

"We are immensely grateful to Pamakid Runners for their extraordinary support over the years and particularly for this incredibly generous gift," said Byron McGovern, RBO’s Executive Director. "Their significant contribution will directly benefit our students, youth coaches, and volunteers by enhancing the services we provide during our Fall and Spring seasons, including providing free race entries and new, high-quality running shoes for every student. We are committed to maximizing the impact of this donation and expanding our capacity to help students develop critical life skills that will help them succeed both in races and beyond the finish line.”

“Pamakid Runners take great pride in promoting a healthy lifestyle and supporting Running for a Better Oakland, which is making a positive difference in our local community by encouraging, empowering and providing opportunities for our youth through running,” said Jerry Flanagan, President of Pamakid Runners.

Running for a Better Oakland is preparing for its 24th season providing Oakland students with everything they need to train and compete in local races and fun runs. Thanks to the generous contributions of donors like Pamakid Runners, we are able to continue offering our program for free to students, youth coaches, and volunteers. Everyone is welcome to join RBO during our upcoming Fall 2023 season that begins on September 16th!

For more information about Running for a Better Oakland, its mission, and the impact of this generous donation, please visit For more information about Pamakid Runners, please visit

Congratulations Seniors!

Congratulations are in order for the graduating RBO Senior Class of 2022! Our nine seniors have put in countless hours of hard work and dedication towards their education, not to mention training for half marathon and 10k races. With the confidence they’ve gained through the rigors of training for a half marathon/10k with RBO, we are confident they are equipped with the resilience and perseverance to pursue their future endeavors with strength!

Surrounded by our Donors, volunteers, and families, RBO will recognize Christus, Wilder, Priya, Liya, Alex, SongXi, Jose, Yarely, and Clark for their achievements at the RBO Scholarship Ceremony on May 21st.

RRCA Announces RBO as Outstanding Youth Running Program of the Year

We are excited to share that RBO has been chosen as the recipient of the RRCA National Running Award for Outstanding Youth Running Program! Thank you to all who nominated us for this award- we are humbled, grateful, and overjoyed by this recognition for our organization.

With this award, RBO has gained national recognition, which will allow us to recruit, encourage, and support our Oakland youth to an elevated level. With the incredible support of our volunteers, coaches, staff, parents, and donors, Oakland youth will continue to thrive through the lessons learned from running, training, and persevering through tough challenges- both in running and in life. We are honored to have the privilege of playing a role in the lives of these students.

In November 2021, the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) granted RBO the Kids Run the Nation Grant, which provides financial assistance to running clubs, schools, and community-based nonprofits interested in implementing or currently hosting youth running programs.

Thank you, RRCA for this recognizing RBO. Now let’s continue to do what we do in supporting our Oakland youth through running!

See the official RRCA announcement here.

RRCA President George Rehmet and our RRCA State Representative Simone Adair with seniors Priya, Liya, Wilder, and Christus at a Saturday morning RBO practice.

Welcome Byron McGovern- RBO Program Coordinator

Join us in welcoming Byron McGovern as RBO’s newest Program Coordinator!

Byron joined our team just in time for the Spring season, and we are excited to have him on board. He will play a large role behind the scenes, as well as in person at our Saturday practices. Byron is excited to explore different ways to use running as a means to encourage growth mindset, facilitate social-emotional development, and achieve positive outcomes for young people in Oakland. He has coached several lacrosse teams throughout the Bay Area and was named US Lacrosse All-America Coach of the Year for Northern California in 2018. Byron is certified in CPR, AED, heat illness prevention, concussion management, and first aid.

Welcome to RBO, Byron!

Nominate RBO for Outstanding Youth Running Program of the Year!

Please consider nominating RBO for Outstanding Youth Running Program, as part of the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) National Running Awards! Whether you are a student, volunteer, or alumni of the program, we would love your help in recognizing our little running organization on a national level.

Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) believes in empowering everyone to run. They champion the development and success of community-based running organizations that empower all people to participate in the sport of running in pursuit of enjoyment, health, well-being and competition.

In November 2021, RRCA awarded RBO with a Kids Run the Nation grant. We thank them for their support this year, as well as their encouragement to seek recognition as Outstanding Youth Running Program of the Year.

Please submit your nomination by January 6, 2022 at 5:00pm EST

Follow the guidelines below when filling out the nomination form:

  • Nominee Name: Diana Leon

  • Email:

  • Phone: (951) 602-0187

  • Address: PO Box 20433, Oakland, CA 94620

  • Organization: Running for Better Oakland (must have the full name, do not use RBO)

  • Position in Organization: Executive Director

  • Nomination Outline: Why do you think RBO should be nominated for Outstanding Youth Running Program of the Year?

  • Nominator's Info: your details

Thank you for nominating RBO as the Outstanding Youth Running Program of the Year