Why Take RBO Students to a Trail Run at Sibley?
Nice way to cross-train them for the Oakland Running Festival Half Marathon
Discover the beauty of Oakland Hills Parks - another destination to run or hike
How did we get there?
Thanks to generous donations and grants, RBO was able to arrange a bus from the lake to Sibley. Students, volunteers and parents enjoyed a beautiful ride on Grizzly Peak, wowing the clear views of Oakland, the bay and the bridges, San Francisco and beyond.
What did the students learn?
RBO Volunteer, Sarah Lavender-Smith, expert ultra-runner shared tips from her book to remind students how to run on a rocky muddy trail or on a steep hill and how to pace themselves.
The Maze was fun to explore....
Kudos to RBO fastest runners who went down to the Maze twice!
Back at the Main Stage for a snack and back on the bus!
In case you don't know!
Blue shirts are for Volunteers/ Mentors - Thanks a lot to our dedicated team of RBO volunteers for reserving your Saturday mornings to RBO and for joining us at Sibley!
Lime Shirts are for High School Volunteers - They are the Green Team and they mostly come to mentor the K-5 students for the 5K race, but at Sibley, they were course monitors. So nice to have them join the fun!
A special Thank You to Stephen for photos of the warm-up, Rick, Tod for photos all over the trail and Mandy for photos at the Maze!
if you have photos you'd like to share, please send them to Nancy
RBO fantastic team of Volunteers on the trail
It could not have happened without you! Thanks for getting up early, for waiting for the students to arrive and for all your cheering along the way!
NOTE: photos were uploaded in lower quality/resolution to allow a faster load of the page. If there is a photo, you would really like to print, please contact Nancy and she might be able to send you the picture at a better resolution!